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What time is check-in on the Croatia Routes?
What time is check-in on the Croatia Routes?
Updated over a week ago

Before check-in day, you will be in touch with your skipper who will communicate with you when your yacht will be ready to board, this will be from 4pm onwards on Saturday so no need to arrive at the marina any earlier than this. Your skipper will give you clear instructions on the day for where to meet them and the exact time.

We recommend coordinating with your crew around doing the supermarket shop in time for your yacht being ready. You must have checked in online prior to arrival or this will cause issues on the day and you may be denied boarding. Our events team will come around to the yachts to check your documents, give you your wristband and answer any questions you have for the week. Your security deposit will need to be paid directly to the charter company at their office in the marina.

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