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British Virgin Islands
When do I check-in/check-out in the British Virgin Islands?
When do I check-in/check-out in the British Virgin Islands?
Updated over a week ago

We recommend getting to the marina around 4 pm. Then you will have time to register with us, do the check-in with the yachting company and the food shopping before you get your yacht. The yachts will stay in the marina on the first night and set sail the next morning.

You will get back to the marina on the final morning and your yacht should be ready for check out by 9 am (please note that you might not receive your cash deposit until 11.30 am), so don't book any flights until late afternoon or evening.

Please note that some events do not start and end on a Saturday (for example week 52 and week 1), so please check the details of your trip carefully.

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